Our Tableau Data Governance roundtable is a small event we organise for customers who want to improve their Data Governance Strategy. We will keep the roundtable deliberately small (maximum of 15-20 participants), to encourage maximum exchange and participation. At the end of the day, you will have learned about Data Governance best practices and the most important steps you need to take.
Morning program:
Introduction of today’s theme: Self-service analytics, what about governance?
Presentation by Manuel Parfant, Tableau Lead Solution Engineer: Governance as an overall management of Tableau
Interactive session: outline 5 governance topics: where governance starts with project permission, set up, data as a service project, Governance around access to sensitive data
Afternoon program:
The What, Why and How of Data Governance & Data Downloading: by Clarissa Ackermann Head of Visual Analytics and Natalia Alabyan Site Admin Lead & Tableau champions for the Compliance team at Credit Suisse
The solution: tips from Interworks, Oliver Coqui, with live demo of Curator
Data Management add-on: Tableau Data Management and live demo with Lead Solutions Engineer Manuel Parfant
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