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To byl Salesforce Live v Praze!
Salesforce propojuje firmy a jejich zákazníky. Znáte očekávání svých zákazníků a jste schopni je dlouhodobě naplňovat? Jste schopni poskytnout svým zákazníkům personalizované zkušenosti na cestě k nákupu vašich produktů nebo služeb a navázat s nimi dlouhodobý a skutečně blízký vztah? Na Salesforce Live jste dostali odpovědi nejen na výše uvedené otázky. V průběhu konference jsme diskutovali o aktuálních businessových tématech a ukázali, jak vám integrovaná CRM platforma - Salesforce Customer 360 - může prakticky pomoci vytvořit jedinečné spojení zákazníků s vaší značkou.
Ukážeme vám, jak pomáháme firmám řešit problémy v oblasti prodeje, zákaznického servisu, marketingu nebo e-commerce pomocí inovativních produktů jakými jsou Salesforce Customer 360, Slack, Tableau a Mulesoft. Přijďte si poslechnout příběhy našich zákazníků a navzájem si vyměnit zkušenosti jak překonávat bariéry mezi jednotlivými odděleními a dostat zákazníka do středu vašeho podnikání.
In times of uncertainty, customer loyalty can become a life-or-death factor for companies. The best way to build resiliency is to unify all your teams around the customer. With a shared view of your customers, teams can better address these needs. This way the sale closes faster. Marketing hits the mark. Service comes with more smiles. And customer loyalty leads to healthy business.
We are living in a new world. From a slowing economy with high inflation rates and skyrocketing energy costs to the first signs of future climate conditions. Businesses need to keep pace to stay connected to their customers while reducing costs and increasing efficiency. We show how technology can help meet these challenges and find new solutions for this new world.
Jitka Hajičová, Head of Retail Operations, ČSOB
Věra Janičinová, Head of partnership & career development, Czechitas
Nadine Wolanke, GM & SVP Central Eastern Europe and Austria, Salesforce
Jan Moravec, Senior Account Executive, Salesforce
Laura Goci, Senior Manager, Solutions Engineering CE & EE & AT, Salesforce
According to Gartner, by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will take place through digital channels. B2B companies must adapt to meet ever-changing customer expectations.
What are the hallmarks of a highly effective B2B commerce experience - especially when companies want to establish a direct relationship with end buyers?
Sales leaders are under tremendous pressure, especially during challenging times. What do they need to consistently hit their targets? Trusted, intelligent technology companion helps accelerate deals, boost rep productivity, and strengthen relationships with customers. Learn how sales leaders can navigate through the headwinds and achieve efficient growth with data-driven selling.
CIOs need to remember that their businesses, the customers they serve, and the world around them have changed forever. This means our roles are even more diverse, with responsibilities that go well beyond providing traditional IT support. In the post-pandemic world, the work of the CIO is closely intertwined with every strategic decision a company makes - especially in regards to productivity.
Cost savings, automation, productivity and efficiency... All organizations have these KPIs, but not all manage to meet them. Learn why market leaders choose Salesforce's Service Cloud to successfully meet their business challenges today.
Major system and business transformation often comes with numerous challenges while solid partnership helps to successfully overcome them. During this session you'll get the insights on how open and transparent collaboration between Volkswagen Financial Services & Merkle led to proper planning, timely execution and ultimate success of 3 years long transformation process across sales, service and marketing.
MuleSoft helps organizations worldwide to deliver integration projects on average 3x times faster, automate repetitive manual tasks which results in hard dollar savings and reduction of complexity.
Learn from one of the biggest utility company from the region, Alpiq, on how they are reducing 200 interfaces to 50 APIs by using the MuleSoft API led approach.
In this digital world as of today, marketers face new challenges. There are some basic questions marketing leaders need to answer in order to stay cost-effective and develop new successful strategies.
How can they know customer behavior and preferences when the traditional methods like third-party cookies are no longer supported by the big players?
Crestyl is the Czech market leader in developing multipurpose residential, retail and commercial properties.
During our keynote you will see how Crestyl is leading the real estate market by creating Custom Digital Experience portal based on Salesforce Experience Cloud, allowing clients to monitor progress of development, configure furbishment and communicate with developers.
Kiwi.com has been helping its users to hack travel for more than 10 years. Join this session to learn how Kiwi.com uses Slack's Digital HQ in their everyday operation to facilitate internal and external collaboration, all while speeding up processes through automation and integration.
Analytics by Tableau helps you understand and take action from data for growth, cost savings, and a competitive edge. We’ll discuss how Česká Spořitelna and Seznam use Tableau in their business.
When customers are ready to evolve, they definitely don't want inefficient processes holding them back. By adopting CRM and Revenue Cloud tools, you'll get rid of internal handoffs or disjointed data between sales and finance. Simplify, consolidate and bring the entire product-to-cash continuum onto one revenue management platform.
With the economic, healthy, and regulatory crises, the growing urgency to manage credit risk, and invest in collections has never been so important. As the credit risk is increasing across the industry, bad debt will require management which has to be scalable and balanced for improved efficiency to react to new challenges. If you are curious about collection management on Salesforce, join us.
Deloitte Digital will guide you through the journey of our customers in the insurance industry and explain to you how we have helped our customers with digital transformation by leveraging the Salesforce solution.
We will show you Deloitte Digital's accelerators that we use to achieve your goals quickly.
The job market is changing - new knowledge and skills are needed. For the Salesforce ecosystem alone, we expect 14.000 net new jobs in the Czech Republic by 2026. Find out in our discussion panel why companies need to endorse learning new skills and further education to remain successful. Particularly, reskilling opens up completely new career opportunities for motivated talents.
Shift value to the contact center via Salesforce Voice Cloud by connecting phone calls to CRM. Increase productivity and reduce costs by displaying information from multiple systems in one workspace, create contextual awareness of the customer and increase sales by providing personalized interactions.
The session is focused on our experience delivering sustainable business transformation using Salesforce, Financial Services as illustrative example
- Experience from Financial Services Cloud, Marketing Cloud and Salesforce Industries implementations
- Best practice for achieving business benefits
- Net Zero Cloud, sustainability maturity in the region and how does Salesforce fit into it
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