Join us for the second Commons Affordable Housing Sprint of the year, hosted by Commons, where Housing Associations, Industry Partners, and Salesforce staff will collaborate to brainstorm, discuss ideas, and develop impactful open-source solutions for Social Housing challenges. Through active listening, education, and the shared passion and technical expertise of participants, you will be a Trailblazer contributing to open-source projects that will be replicated and shared across the Social Housing ecosystem.
Who should attend the Commons Affordable Housing Sprint?
The Commons Community team is committed to hosting a diverse and inclusive event. In general, we encourage all those who work within the Social Housing and Salesforce ecosystems (Housing Associations, Partners, and Employees) who have an interest in helping build technology solutions that make a difference for Housing Associations and have experience as an End User, Administrator, Developer, or Consultant in the Salesforce ecosystem.
Any questions? Visit the FAQ for more information and detailed agenda.
See the highlights below from the first Commons Affordable Housing Sprint in March!
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